Six IAS officers were moved by the Uttar Pradesh government on Saturday, and Navneet Singh Chahal was named the district magistrate of Prayagraj. The transfers were disclosed by the government in a formal release. Chahal will start his new position in Prayagraj after previously holding the position of district magistrate in Agra.
Bhanu Chandra Goswami moved in as the new DM of Agra in place of Chahal.
Manvendra Singh, who previously served as the district magistrate of Noida, was shifted to Moradabad.
Shailendra Kumar Singh, who was earlier posted in Moradabad, was appointed as the new DM of Mathura.
Rahul Pandey was named the new DM of Hamirpur while Mridul Chaudhary was posted at Mahoba as the new district magistrate.
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