According to police on Thursday, a young person was detained by the Uttar Pradesh Police for a social media post that threatened a recurrence of the 2019 Pulwama terror attack. Mohammed Talha, a resident of Jamshedpur in Seraikela, Jharkhand, was named as the accused. Deoband Police detained him in response to his post on X. According to the police, a case was also filed against the defendants under the strict sections. “Police received information at Deoband police station that a youth posted some objectionable comments on Twitter (now X), in which he threatened a repeat of the Pulwama terror attack,” Senior Superintendent of Police of Saharanpur Vipin Tada said.
“Taking note of the post, the local police have registered a case and the young man has been questioned. He confessed to putting out the post out of anger,” Tada added.
He said that the intelligence department and police have initiated a thorough probe to understand the motive behind the post.
“The police informed other agencies and a forensic investigation has been initiated on his seized mobile phone,” the SSP informed further.
Further investigation into the matter is underway, the SSP added.
The incident comes nearly a week after a terror attack on army vehicles at Jammu and Kashmir’s Poonch in which four Jawans were killed.
According to official sources, the Army is planning to increase the number of troops in the Poonch-Rajouri sector to curb the activities of the Pakistan-based terrorists there.
Earlier, on Wednesday, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh chaired a high-level meeting to take stock of the situation in the wake of the terror attack.
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