As soon as the month of Sawan started in Ghaziabad, the police seized about 1.5 quintals of meat. An advisory was issued by the government regarding the Kavad Yatra, in which it was told that no meat shop would operate on the Kavad Marg, in such a situation, the workers of Hindu Yuva Vahini told that illegal cutting was being done at a shop on the Kavad Marg in Loni.After getting the information, the police reached the spot, started investigation and the police told that they broke the lock and recovered one and a half quintal meat from the shop, which was kept in the fridge to be supplied in the marriage. The meat has been disposed of and sealing action is also being done after informing the Food Department. On the basis of the complaint, strict action will be taken against the shopkeeper by registering a case against him.When Loni MLA Nandkishore Gurjar came to know about the whole matter, he reached the spot and reprimanded the police administration and said “There is such a huge meat warehouse being run under your nose and you have no news and said if residents of Loni want to eat meat, they can go to Delhi as Loni is very adjacent to it but meat shop will not be opened in Loni.”
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