Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami announced on Sunday that the Uniform Civil Code (UCC) will be soon introduced in the state, with plans to present it in the Assembly shortly. Speaking at the Shashtipurti Mahotsav of Sadhvi Ritambhara in Mathura, CM Dhami expressed the state’s commitment to implementing the Uniform Civil Code of Conduct in Devbhoomi.
The Uniform Civil Code is a proposal aimed at creating and enforcing personal laws that would be applicable uniformly to all citizens, irrespective of their religion, gender, or sexual orientation. The Uttarakhand Cabinet, chaired by CM Pushkar Singh Dhami, approved the decisions made by a five-member panel tasked with drafting the Uniform Civil Code on December 22. The committee, led by retired Supreme Court judge Ranjana Prakash Desai, is yet to submit its detailed report to the government.
The implementation of the UCC was a promise made to the people of Uttarakhand during the lead-up to the 2022 assembly polls. Article 44 of the Indian Constitution advocates for the establishment of a Uniform Civil Code throughout the nation, covering aspects such as marriage, inheritance, adoption, and more.
PM Narendra Modi reignited discussions on the UCC during an address in Bhopal, emphasizing that the country cannot function with two sets of laws. He argued that the Uniform Civil Code aligns with the foundational principles and ideals of the Constitution.
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