Political heat has been rising since the resignation of former Gujarat Chief Minister Vijay Rupani. A new government has been formed in the state with a “no-repeat theory”, i.e. all the new and young ministers in the new Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel’s government have been given a place. On the other hand, the BJP high command has come into action with the upcoming 2022 elections. According to information received, the “no-repeat theory” may be applied to the MLAs as well as to the new government in the forthcoming Assembly elections, meaning that 60% of the MLAs in the Vijay Rupani government may be dropped and ticket given to new faces.

Looking at the current state of Gujarat politics, it seems that the new government is implementing new rules, i.e. new rules are being implemented by drastically changing the decisions taken by the Rupani government. In a recent cabinet meeting, CM Bhupendra Patel has instructed all ministers and officials to be present in the office. However, there was no such rule at the time of Rupani government. On the other hand, the new ministers have also taken charge and have started strict and supportive work on many issues including education and health.

As the buzz about tickets for the upcoming Gujarat Assembly elections has begun, state president C.R. Patil has had to clarify a year before the polls, but the BJP has made such a fuss that it has declared that the age limit for 60 years is not for Assembly tickets. It is also being arranged not to give tickets again to the MLAs who have been elected for three consecutive terms, so that most of the senior MLAs can stay at home.

There is also talk that Patil is now dominating the Gujarat BJP. It is also being denied that Patil has won the confidence of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Amit Shah to take his own decision in Gujarat to achieve his goal of winning more than 150 Assembly seats, as Patil was currently the only choice in the formation of the BJP’s state team. Not only that, Ratnakar has been placed in the organization general secretary instead of Bhikhubhai Dalsania. C. R. Patil has set a target of winning more than 150 seats in the next Gujarat Assembly elections, so it would not be a surprise if the Central Parliamentary Committee also agrees to these rules and formulae.

In this situation, it is likely that C.R. Patil will give preference to the youth who took part in the local body elections. On the other hand, the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) is also giving a chance to the youth. Then the BJP has to give more chances to the youth. Assembly elections are to be held in 2022 not only in Gujarat but also in Punjab, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Manipur, Goa and Himachal Pradesh. The BJP has changed chief ministers of five states in just six months, while in Uttarakhand, two chief ministers were replaced in six months. The party leadership did not consider it necessary to give more importance to this so that the wrong message would go somewhere. The change that has taken place in Gujarat is of special significance because it is the home state of the Prime Minister and the Home Minister. In political circles, it is believed that whoever is the Chief Minister of Gujarat, the “control” of power remains connected with Delhi.