The Tamil Nadu government has filed an affidavit in the Supreme Court in the matter of banning the screening of the film ‘The Kerala Story’ in Tamil Nadu, saying that the petition of the filmmakers that they are facing a ‘ban-like situation’ on ‘The Kerala Story’ in the state is wrong.
Tamil Nadu government has said in the affidavit that no ban has been imposed on the release of the film.On 5 May, this film was also released in 19 multiplexes. But due to the lack of well-known actors in the film, poor performance of the actors, very few audience came to watch the film, the theater owners themselves decided to stop the screening of the film.
Further Tamil Nadu government says filmmakers have given false statement that state government has banned screening of the film. The State Government contends that adequate security arrangements were made for all cinema halls on screening the film… Further, on 05.05.2023, the Director General of Police directed all the Police Commissioners and District Superintendents of Police in the State to inform each cinema hall showing the film. Instructions were issued to provide adequate security to the hall.
The state has made adequate security arrangements to facilitate the screening of the film and ensure that the theater owners and the audience are safe. More than 965 policemen, 25 DSPs have been deployed for the security of those 21 theaters.Demonstrations, agitations and dharnas were held at 19 places by various Muslim organizations against this film on 5 May. Demonstrations were held at 7 places in Chennai and Coimbatore on 6 May. A total of nine cases were registered against the protesters, five in Chennai and four in Coimbatore.
The Tamil Nadu government has said in an affidavit that adequate police security had been provided by the state enabled theater owners to screen the film across the state on 5 May and 6 May despite opposition from some Muslim organizations…but not to the general public. Due to the lack of good response to the film, theater and multiplex owners in the state decided to stop screening the film from 7 May.
In view of the information received from intelligence sources, the State Intelligence had issued an alert on 26 April and 3 May to the Superintendents of Police of the districts and the Police Commissioners of the cities to keep a close watch on the law and order situation. The film was heavily criticized upon its release, with some Muslim organizations alleging that the film incites “anti-Muslim hatred” and “Islamophobia” among the general public, and has been only intended to polarize other religions against Muslims.
The petitioners have made false and misleading allegations against the Government of Tamil Nadu motivated by malafide and seeking publicity, despite which the State Government continues to discharge its functions. Tamil Nadu Government has alleged in the affidavit that the producer has tried to take undue advantage by filing a petition in the Supreme Court. Therefore, this petition containing misleading statements of the film producer should be dismissed.
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