As a massive flex of actor Yash that they were installing to wish him a happy birthday came into contact with the electric wire on Sunday night, three young people in Karnataka’s Gadag district were electrocuted, according to police. The incident happened in the district’s Lakshmeshwar taluk at the Surangi village. The names of the deceased are Hanamanta Harijan (age 21), Murali Nadavinamani (age 20), and Naveen Ghazi (19). Three additional individuals sustained serious injuries, and they have been admitted to Lakshmeshwar Hospital for medical attention.
Actor Yash is celebrating his birthday on Monday. Therefore, the fans planned to install the cutout at Ambedkar Nagar of the village in the middle of the night.
While installing the huge cutout, the cutout hit the electric wire and electrocuted the youth who was holding the cutout. As a result, three youths died on the spot. The incident occurred in the jurisdiction of Lakshmeshwar police station.
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