In Alwar, a tragic road accident occurred on Wednesday morning when a high-speed car on the Delhi-Mumbai Expressway collided with a trolley filled with pipes. The accident resulted in the death of all three occupants in the car. The victims, identified as Anoop, Anup Jain, and Lalbabu Tati, were residents of Ghaziabad. The bodies were transported to Raini Hospital for post-mortem.
The incident took place near Mukundara Pulia, close to Rajgarh, on the Delhi-Mumbai Expressway around 8 a.m. The car, bearing Uttar Pradesh registration (UP16DC0484), was en route from Delhi to Jaipur. Preliminary investigations suggest that the accident may have occurred due to the driver feeling drowsy, leading the high-speed car to collide with the trolley filled with pipes.
The impact of the collision was severe, resulting in the complete destruction of the next part of the car.
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