Superstar Akshay Kumar has started shooting for YRF’s big-ticket entertainer ‘Prithviraj’, based on the life and heroism of the fearless and mighty King Prithviraj Chauhan. The big-budget historical had completed a major chunk of its filming before the coronavirus pandemic hit the nation. YRF has now built an extravagant set inside YRF Studios compound and all safety precautions have been put in place for a smooth shoot. Joining him is the ethereally beautiful Miss World 2017, Manushi Chhillar, the leading lady of ‘Prithviraj’. The big-budget entertainer sees Manushi playing the role of the gorgeous Sanyogita, the love of the king’s life. We caught up with Manushi who’s excited about resuming work. “I’m thrilled to be back on the sets of ‘Prithviraj’ as I awfully missed the set life. I look forward to being on shoot every day because I’m absorbing a lot and I’m loving it. I was excited to be on sets with Akshay sir because I’ve learnt so much from him and there is so much more to learn,” says the debutant actress. Manushi reveals Akshay is very encouraging of her work and she is grateful for the same. “I consider myself fortunate to be working with the team and everyone has been wonderful. It is daunting when you debut and you want to do your best and give it your all. Everyone including Akshay sir are all very supportive and encouraging,” she adds
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