Ex-Telangana MP and Congress leader Konda Vishweshwar Reddy who recently said that he is distancing himself from the Congress, is going to meet Telangana BJP Chief Bandi Sanjay soon to discuss various issues. He has resigned from the Congress party and said that going back to the grand old party is a remote possibility. He wanted to fight against the present dispensation of Telangana and accused the Congress that it is not fighting properly. He told NewsX , “after my resignation from the Congress many national leaders have asked me to join their party but still I have not made my mind. I won’t join new party floated by Sharmila (Andhra CM’s sister). I am thinking to join BJP or a new party with like-minded people. I will join TRS leaders like Etela Rajendar and Harish Rao.” He said that there are many groups in the Congress party. He wanted to fight against the government of Telangana but no one supported him from the Congress. He said he will meet Bandi Sanjay, the BJP Unit president of Telangana soon.
It is already known that Health Minister Etela Rajendar‘s position in the TRS is highly plutonic. The minister has been making several controversial statements against TRS for the past few months and has even said that he intends to start a party of his own, after which he has been put away from Pragathi Bhavan.
In the past, BJP Telangana President Bandi Sanjay offered his support to Etela, over founding a new party after his struggle in the TRS. Now, Konda Vishweshwar Reddy has joined this list. Konda is supporting Eetala and even said that Eetala is a better and greater leader than either KCR or KTR and that Eetala’s party would be bigger than TRS.
Konda Vishweshwar Reddy started his political journey in TRS itself, but shifted to Congress ahead of the previous elections, due to differences with the CM of Telangana, KCR and KTR. He has now quit Congress too, after having failed to make any impact and take down TRS. Konda is now reportedly contemplating joining the BJP, but he said that he wouldn’t take any decision until next 3 months.
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