Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Sambit Patra said that Teesta Setalvad along with Sonia Gandhi and Congress party were the driving force behind defaming Prime Minister Narendra Modi in the Gujarat riots. “You all saw how the Prime Minister Narendra Modi swallowed poison for 20 years. Saw how false allegation was levelled against him on 2002 Gujarat riots?” Patra said while addressing the media.“You will be surprised to know that Teesta Setalvad was not alone. These people have cheated the judicial system of India. The Supreme Court has strongly criticised them. The driving force behind this was Sonia Gandhi and the Congress party,” he added.“Supreme Court has said very clearly that those people, who conspired and played with the law also will have to come before the court and face the law,” he added.“Some people like Teesta Setalvad who have been detained today, have deliberately created a false story. The Supreme Court has made a strong stand. It has named Teesta Setalvad in its judgment,” he added.The action came after Union Minister Amit Shah in an interview with ANI said that Teesta Setalvad-run NGO gave baseless information about the 2002 Gujarat riots to the police.“I will give a few examples of how Teesta Setalvad and Company worked to mislead the country regarding the Gujarat riots– Teesta Setalvad’s NGO was giving instructions to Zakia Jafri and many witnesses along with her,” he said.Union Home Minister Amit Shah said that the troika of BJP’s political rivals, politically motivated journalists and NGOs, together made false allegations against the BJP and its leaders.
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