The Tamil Nadu government on Wednesday said it will purchase 1,000 new custom-built BSVI diesel buses to replace old ones for a total cost of Rs 420 crore.
The state government said the Tamil Nadu State Transport Undertakings will induct these new buses — each costing Rs 42 lakh — which are also Bharat Stage VI Emission Standards (BSVI)-compliant.
Earlier, M. K. Stalin, the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, made an announcement in the state assembly.
These buses will replace the overage buses of the six Tamil State Undertakings, namely TNSTC (Villupuram), TNSTC (Salem), TNSTC (Coimbatore), TNSTC (Kumbakonam), TNSTC (Madurai), and TNSTC (Tirunelveli).
As the Institute of Road Transport (IRT) is the nodal agency for procurement, IRT is permitted to act for the procurement of these buses.
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