Tamil film industry suffered a significant loss as veteran comic actor R Mayilsamy, popularly known as Mayilsamy, passed away after suffering a Cardiac arrest. The actor, who was 57 years old, had been a part of over 200 movies in his 39-year-long career. According to a report, Mayilsamy had been unwell for some time, and on February 18, he felt discomfort. His family rushed him to Porur Ramachandra Hospital, but unfortunately, he passed away on the way. His death was confirmed by doctors upon reaching the hospital. Trade analyst Ramesh Bala confirmed the actor’s demise and tweeted a video of Mayilsamy recorded shortly before his death. In the video, Mayilsamy is seen dubbing for his upcoming movie Glassmate, displaying his zeal and enthusiasm for his craft.
He was known for his impeccable comic timing, which earned him the title of a scene-stealer. Some of his acclaimed roles include “Dhool,” “Vaseegara,” “Ghilli,” “Giri,” “Uthamaputhiran,” “Veeram,” “Kanchana,” and “Kangalal Kaidhu Sei,” for which he won the Tamil Nadu State Film Award for Best Comedian.
Soon after the news of his death broke out, a video surfaced on social media in which Mayilsamy could be seen dubbing for his upcoming film “Glassmastes,” which he recently completed.
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