On Thursday, a large gathering of enthusiastic fans joyously welcomed Team India in celebration of their T20 World Cup victory, transforming South Mumbai into a gridlocked area. What began as a spirited display of national pride quickly turned into scenes of distress, with the massive crowd causing a stampede-like situation. Amid complaints of overcrowding, poor management, and difficulty breathing, a woman collapsed at the venue.
A viral video from the packed Marine Drive shows a Mumbai Police officer carrying an unconscious woman through the crowd, with onlookers struggling to make way.
The video drew praise for the police’s dedicated service during the event, though criticism also emerged regarding the department’s crowd control issues that led to such incidents.
“Salute to the police officer,” praised one user, while another cautioned, “People should be careful… we can’t rely solely on the police.”
“Great job Mumbai police!! You always make us proud!” noted another, contrasting with concerns over the consequences of overcrowding.
“This video is stressful – it should have been managed better,” expressed a concerned viewer.
The video highlights just one of the many challenges faced that evening. Reports indicate attendees experienced breathing difficulties, minor injuries, and medical emergencies due to humid conditions and sudden rain. Some required hospitalization for immediate medical attention, while reports of missing children prompted swift police action to reunite them with their families.
Social media abound with eyewitness accounts of police aiding the crowd and ensuring safety amidst the chaotic celebrations.
During the event, roads leading to Marine Drive and Wankhede Stadium were closed, and local establishments were advised to release employees early. Despite these measures, thousands flocked to celebrate, eagerly awaiting Team India’s arrival with great enthusiasm.
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