As the tussle between Mumbai and Patna police continues, late actor Sushant Singh Rajput’s father has finally broken his silence on the matter for the first time. In a video message, which is now taking social media by a storm, Sushant’s father has claimed that he had informed Bandra police on 25 February that his son was in danger and asked them to take action against people named in his complaint. But, even after 40 days of his demise, no action was taken. This is the reason he went ahead to file FIR in Patna. He further thanked the Bihar CM and the police force for their cooperation.
The statement especially comes at a high point when the probe on Sushant’s case is getting murkier each passing day. Following the “forceful home quarantine” of a Bihar police officer, who had arrived in Mumbai to probe the case, Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar earlier in the day said that the Bihar DGP would speak with the authorities in Maharashtra.
BMC, on the other hand, defended its stance by citing “state government guidelines”. It said that the cop was just asked to follow precautionary guidelines on domestic travel.
Reacting to the same, the Bihar DGP responded that they examined the quarantine guidelines and it appears that the quarantine was not needed. The official went there after informing and requesting for accommodation and vehicle, not secretly. Emphasising that the cop could have been exempted from protocol, he further added that Patna IG would be writing to BMC chief on the matter.
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