On Wednesday, Uttar Pradesh Finance Minister, Suresh Khanna offered prayers at a temple in Lucknow ahead of presenting the budget of the State for the financial year 2023-24 in the Vidhan Sabha. Khanna will table the second budget of Yogi’s government in its second term. It’s the seventh overall budget of the government since 2017. While conversing with reporters earlier, Khanna said that his goal is to achieve around USD 1 trillion economy. “Organised crime has been eradicated from UP in the last few years. The state has only moved towards development. Today, our second Budget will be presented. Our focus is on the infrastructure sector and our goal is to achieve USD 1 trillion economy,” he said. The budget session In Uttar Pradesh started on Monday, February 20, 2023. While addressing both houses of UP legislature during the first day of Budget Session, the governor said that the government was sensitive towards issues related to woman, farmers and businessmen. He further claimed that they aren’t leaving any stone unturned to addresses them effectively.
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