MUMBAI: Suhana Khan, daughter of Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan, believes it is time Disney had an Indian princess. Suhana took to her verified Instagram account story on Monday to express her feeling through a meme. The star kid shared a meme featuring the popular Disney princess Jasmine. In the meme, Jasmine stands with a sad face and says “@disney make an Indian princess.”
While Disney princesses are known for their beauty and powerful personality, Suhana rightly pointed out that there is no Dianey princess hailing from India yet. Earlier this year, Suhana had opened up on how she was told ugly because of her skin tone since the age of 12. The 20-year-old had said she has not get her skin lightened, adding that she would never do it. Urging to end colourism, Suhana had shared in an Instagram post: “I’m sorry if social media, Indian matchmaking or even your own families have convinced you, that if you’re not 5”7 and fair you’re not beautiful. I hope it helps to know that I’m 5”3 and brown and I am extremely happy about it and you should be too.#endcolourism.”
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