Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan’s darling daughter Suhana Khan is ready to make her big Bollywood debut with the upcoming film adaptation of The Archies Comics, which is helmed by Zoya Akhtar. According to a report in Hindustan Times, the star kid has now bought a farmland in the Thal village of Alibaug recently. She has purchased 1.5 acres of agricultural land, along with a 2.218 sq.ft of building on it, for a whopping price of Rs. 12.91 Crores. The reports also suggest that she has paid a stamp duty of Rs. 77.46 Lakhs for her new purchase.
Reportedly, the registration documents of the property describe her as an ‘agriculturist’. Even though she has not officially revealed her plans to get into farming and agriculture. Adding more details, her new farmland is situated near SRK’s sea-facing property in Thal village of Alibaug.
From The Archies teaser, it is evident that the star kid is portraying a performance-oriented role. The project features a stellar star cast including Sridevi’s second daughter Khushi Kapoor, megastar Amitabh Bachchan’s grandson Agastya Nanda, Dot Mihir Ahuja, Vedang Raina, and Yuvraj Menda, in the lead roles.
The release date of the film is expected to be revealed along with the official trailer, very soon.
Stay tuned to The Daily Guardian for more such news.
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