BJP candidate for Rajya Sabha seat from Haryana, Subhash Barala filed his nomination in Haryana assembly in presence of the Chief Minister Manohar Lal, School Education Minister Kawar Pal, Minister of State Sandeep Singh, MP Naib Singh Saini, Rajya Sabha MP DP Vats, MLA Ghanshyam Das Arora and Shri Aseem Goyal and submitted the same to Returning Officer Dr. Saket Kumar. Subhash Barala is the former state party president and chairman of Farmers Welfare Authority. Notably, the Central election committee had filed his name as candidate. He is in good books of the state Chief Minister Manohar Lal who was believed to lobby for him and had been camping in Delhi and meeting the central leaders including the BJP nationai president J P Nadda. It is pertinent to mention that Barala was among the strong claimants seeking party ticket along with BJP national secretary OP Dhankar, Ram Bilas Sharma and Captain Abhimanyu. Polls to the one seat of Haryana have been necessitated as the term of Maj General (retd) DP Vats is getting completed on April 2. Having more than the required support of MLAs, hence Barala be elected unopposed as no one files the nomination papers. It is noteworthy that Subash Barala bjp president had lost to Development of Panchayats minister Devender Singh Babli, in 2019 assembly polls. After that he was though removed as Haryana BJP president but was made vice chairman of planning commission and Bureau of public enterprises.
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