A 60-year-old man, identified as Suresh Kumar, lost his life in Raipurrani after being struck by an overloaded tractor-trolley on Narayangarh Road last Wednesday. The incident occurred as Suresh was called to unload cement at Singla Iron Store at 8 am on January 17. According to Neeraj Kumar, Suresh’s son, his father was hit from behind by a speeding tractor-trolley loaded with stubble as it came from the bus stand.
Tragically, the tire of the trolley passed over Suresh. The driver fled the scene after the accident, leaving the overloaded tractor-trolley behind. Upon receiving information, Dial-112 promptly arrived, and with the assistance of passersby, the injured Suresh was taken to Raipurrani Hospital.
Unfortunately, the medical professionals at the hospital declared Suresh dead. The police have initiated an investigation into the incident, registering a case based on the complaint filed.
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