After winning an award for her very first feature film in Telugu, Tirrtha R Murbaadkar will now be seen along with acclaimed actor Pankaj Tripathi in the second season of web series ‘Criminal Justice: Behind Closed Doors’ which releases on 24 December on Hotstar. Tirrtha is playing Prajakta, a worker in the Child welfare centre, who is assigned to take care of the main child lead. She is essaying a complex yet central role which helps to bring out the truth in this season and narrate the story keeping the mystery alive. Tirrtha shared, “I was looking at being part of niche content and when asked to play Prajakta who is soft-hearted yet headstrong and in control of the situation around her. I thought that it would be interesting to play her, and I was excited to work with amazing actors like Pankaj Tripathi and Deepti Naval as I’ve always admired their acting styles so it was a great learning experience.” “It was my first time working with director Rohan Sippy and Arjun Mukherjee. They made me feel comfortable and gave me the liberty to explore the character. I feel grateful that they believed in me and gave me this opportunity. You’ll get to see me in a new avatar and I am really excited about this show”, exclaimed Tirrtha. She has been part of web series like ‘Dil Buffering’, ‘Little Things Season 3’, and films like ‘Sontha Ooru’ (Telugu), ‘Neeku Naaku Dash Dash’ (Telugu), ‘Chaurya’ (Marathi) and ‘Kaliyachan (Malayalam) among others.
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