Bollywood actress Sonakshi Sinha has made a shift in the last few years. For those unaware, the actress made her Bollywood debut with Salman Khan’s Dabangg in 2010. Her early career choices were about playing safe and being just a female lead in largely male-dominated films.

The actress revealed that she did the subservient roles because they were big films. According to her, such films had a wide reach, thus, they made her popular. But then, she did one solo film and it was the most satisfying feeling for her. The actress was perhaps talking about her role in ‘Akira’. In the film, Sonakshi also performed some hardcore action. Further, the actress added that the satisfaction one gets after playing such roles matches nothing else.

Sonakshi will be seen next in Dahaad. In the film, she plays a tough cop. She also opened up about her character and said that it’s different from anything she’s played so far.

To note, it was the first ever series to be presented at the 2023 Berlinale Film Festival, begins streaming on OTT from today. Dahaad also stars Vijay Varma and Gulshan Deviah.