As the elections in Rajasthan approach, star campaigners have started their campaigns. On Thursday, Union Minister for Women and Child Development Smriti Irani and Minister of Road Transport and Highways Nitin Gadkari will visit Jaipur. Smriti Irani will address the “Matru Shakti Swabhiman Sabha” in support of BJP candidate from the Civil Lines constituency and former journalist Gopal Sharma. This meeting will be held at 1 pm at Kanvasiya Circle in Shastri Nagar. Meanwhile, on Wednesday, Gopal Sharma campaigned in various places in the constituency. Due to the festival of Bhai Dooj, during the interaction with the public in Majdoor Nagar and Hasanpura areas, women tied a protective thread to Gopal Sharma and demanded protection. In response, Gopal Sharma assured that victory and defeat have their place, and he will always be dedicated to the protection of his sisters.
On the other hand, Union Minister Nitin Gadkari will address a meeting in Jhotwara in support of BJP candidate Colonel Rajyavardhan Rathore. In addition to this, Diya Kumari, a BJP candidate from Vidhyadhar Nagar, will participate in a roadshow organised in support of Colonel Rajyavardhan Rathore.
DiCaprio’s contribution aligns with a broader wave of celebrity donations addressing the crisis.
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