In a significant development in the ongoing Silkyara tunnel collapse, rescue team officials were able to establish contact with the workers who are trapped through the 6-inch pipeline on Tuesday morning. The workers who were trapped in the tunnel through the pipeline could clearly hear the rescue team conversing with them. The workers were asked to move in front of the endoscopic flexi camera that was inserted through the pipeline by the rescue team. To ensure that everyone could be identified, a worker removed the camera from the pipeline and held it inside the restricted area.
All the 41 trapped workers assembled near the camera and the rescue team asked them to clean the screen of the camera. The rescue team informed them that the pipeline would be cleaned with water and a blower so they asked them to keep back the camera and get away from the pipeline and the compressor.
The rescue teams also informed that food would be provided again once the pipeline is cleaned.
The trapped workers were smiling in the video and stable state of mind. The workers were provided with a walkie-talkie through a 6-inch pipeline so that they could communicate with the rescue team.
Earlier, breakfast was also prepared for the workers trapped inside the tunnel. The food will be sent to the workers through a 6-inch pipeline.
The rescue team on Monday evening managed to lay a 6-inch pipe through which solid food and mobile chargers were sent inside the collapsed section of the Silkyara Tunnel. Communication was established with individual workers to get a health update from them.
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