MUMBAI: Sidharth Malhotra and Diana Penty shared the first look of their music video ‘Challon Ke Nishaan’ recently on their social media handles giving their fans a chance to watch them again on screen. This is Sidharth and Diana’s first collaboration for a music album. Sidharth shared the first look of his music video on his social media and wrote, “Kya karein shikayat bhi, apna to muqaddar hi nikla. Beimaan ungliyon pe reh gaye Challon Ke Nishaan. Coming soon.” Diana also shared the first look and wrote, “‘Challon Ke Nishaan’ dropping soon.” Sidharth and Diana were in Goa to shoot the music video. The shooting began in November. The actors shared this news from Goa. The song features Diana and Sidharth as a couple in love, tragedy befalls them and things take a turn for the worse. He loses his wife but her memories stay with him. The song presents an emotional roller coaster. ‘Challon Ke Nishaan’ is composed by Sunny Inder, lyrics have been penned by Kumaar and it is crooned by Stebin Ben. The music video is directed by Bosco and produced by Zee Music Co.

Shrishti Joshi

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