On Sushant Singh Rajput’s 3rd death anniversary, her fans and followers have been remembering him. Her sister Shweta Singh Kirti also took to her official Instagram handle to pen a post. Also, she shared a video message for her followers. Shweta shared a video message in which she mentioned, “I thought I’ll connect to the Internet and post this for Bhai. It’s his 3rd death anniversary. I don’t like to call it death anniversary, because it makes me feel bad. It makes me feel as if he has left. He hasn’t left anywhere. He has just left his physical body but he is around and I can feel him completely.”
She also shared that the other day she was scrolling through her old WhatsApp messages with SSR, and went back to the time they were discussing books, and he had suggested what books she should read. “I will post about that as well. And what I wanted to share was that if we want to keep Sushant alive and if we really love him, we have to live what he was. We have to imbibe his qualities. We have to imbibe the goodness of his heart. So I want to leave you guys with this message.”
In another post, she shared a throwback picture of the late actor with her children. Also, she added pictures of books that SSR recommended her and the last picture is a screenshot of SSR’s WhatsApp message to her.
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