The Delhi High Court dismissed a plea seeking the transfer Shraddha murder case investigation from Delhi Police to CBI. The Bench of Justice Satish Chander Sharma and Justice Subramonium Prasad on Tuesday said we find not a single good reason to entertain this plea. The Court also said that “This is a kind of Publicity Interest Litigation as the deceased parents have no grievance against Delhi Police investigation but you have.”
The court also remarked that “We are not an investigation monitoring agency.” The court was also informed that Delhi Police has already completed 80 percent of the investigation by a team of 200 police officials led by Additional Commissioner of Police(ACP) who themselves are handling the investigation.
Advocate Joginder Tulli (Retd IPS) appeared for the petitioner stated that the investigation is not being carried out efficiently by Delhi Police due to administrative/staff paucity as lack of sufficient technical and scientific equipment to find out the evidence and the witness as the incident had taken place about six months back.
“The forensic evidence in the present case has not been preserved properly by the Delhi Police since all the alleged recoveries are being touched and accessed by different public persons and media personnel within the Mehrauli Police Station, alleged scene of crime i.e. house of the deceased, place of recoveries i.e. Mehrauli, Chhattarpur forest etc. which are clearly evident in the various news coverage of the present case,” the plea read.
The plea further stated that the faulty investigation is the reason which prompts most heinous crimes and result in the acquittal of the accused as per the National Crime Records Bureau.
Meanwhile, a Delhi court has ordered Rohini Forensic Science Lab to conduct a narco test of accused Aftab Poonawala within five days.
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