The gorgeous actress Shehnaaz Gill recently made her big Bollywood debut with Salman Khan’s Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan. She never fails to impress all with her fashion choices and glamorous photoshoots. Speaking of which, on Tuesday, she took to her official Instagram handle and shared a couple of pictures. In the pictures shared by her, she can be seen posing in a red outfit. Also, the actress sported red gloves and accessorised her look with earrings of the same colour. She completed her look with glam makeup and red lip shade.
Take a look at Shehnaaz Gill’s Instagram post
As soon as she shared these mesmerizing pictures on Instagram, fans rushed to the comment section to shower love on their favourite actress. Reacting to her post, one of the fans wrote, “she’s so damn gorgeous.” Another wrote, “red suits you bub.” A third fan wrote, “it’s more than 3 year since [Shehnaaz Gill] won heart. But her craze is still same or more! Am I right.” A fourth fan wrote, “we’re not getting over this look anytime soon.”
For the unversed, the actress rose to fame after she participated in Bigg Boss 13.
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