Sanjay Kapoor’s darling daughter Shanaya Kapoor is yet to make her big Bollywood debut, but she already enjoys a massive fan following on Instagram. Apart from being a fashion icon, Shanaya is also a good dancer. Having said that, the star kid recently took to Instagram and shared another jaw-dropping video of herself belly-dancing to Neha Kakkar’s Gali Gali. Along with the video, she wrote, “It’s been a minute.”
In the video, the star kid aced her moves and donned a neon green top which she teamed with black joggers.
Check out the viral video below
Earlier too, the star kid has shared her dancing videos which go viral in no time. Currently, she is prepping hard for her Bollywood debut. Amid all the rumours and speculations regarding her first film Bedhadak, the upcoming debutant is ready to begin shooting for the film. It is backed by Karan Johar and also stars Lakshya Lalwani. Ahead of its shoot, the actors are currently reading scripts and undergoing workshops for their first film.
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