Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan’s son Aryan Khan has made his directorial debut. SRK and Aryan took to their respective social media handles and shared a glimpse of the project. SRK took to his official Twitter handle and shared a teaser. In the caption, he wrote, “X marks the spot. 24 hours to go.” On the other hand, Aryan took to his Instagram and shared the same. In the caption of his post, he wrote, “ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVW_YZ. X will be here in 24 hours. The star kid shot the ad of his luxury clothing brand and SRK is starring in the ad.
Here’s what Shah Rukh Khan tweeted
Take a look at Aryan Khan’s Instagram post
For the unversed, the ‘X’ mentioned in both posts appears to be the logo that would appear on the outfits of the brand. Also, netizens have spotted SRK and Suhana Khan wearing clothes from the label at KKR matches as part of the ongoing IPL matches.
Unlike his father, Aryan has no interest in acting. Bollywood ace filmmaker Karan Johar had offered Aryan the opportunity, but he turned down the offer. A source told Bollywood Hungama, “It started as a very serious offer. When Karan offered to launch Aryan, and Aryan said no, Karan thought, ‘Bachcha hai, ghar ki baat hai, aa jayega line pe. But then Aryan kept saying no again and again.”
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