While addressing his fans at the grand pre-release event of Jawan in Chennai, Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan expressed his love for the delicious food in Tamil Nadu. SRK said, “I’m humbled. Thank you so much for inviting me. I enjoy Tamil films. I realized early on that the best films are made in Tamil.” Not just Tamil films, the actor also mentioned that he absolutely loved Tamil food! He joked that he lost his six-pack abs and then gained them back. “Eating here in Tamil Nadu was fantastic, I lost my six packs and gained them back. I found a wonderful variety of dishes in Tamil Nadu.”
Meanwhile, at the event, SRK’s Jawan co-star Vijay Sethupathi lauded the superstar and said, “I met Shah Rukh Khan sir in Melbourne and he said I’m a very good actor, after that, he offered me Jawan.”
This is a developing copy.
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