A Special Investigation Team has been formed by the Ranchi Police on Tuesday to investigate the killing attempt case of Sushma Baraik. Baraik was shot by the unknown assailants. Naushad Alam, SP, Ranchi, and Rural will head the SIT team. Meanwhile, against Jharkhand IG P.S. Natarajan Sushma filed sexual exploitation case in 2005. Meanwhile, hours before the case was listed for hearing in Jharkhand High Court the attack took place. However, besides SIT to collect clues and information several teams have been roped in.
A couple sought guidance from Premanand Maharaj about their love marriage. Maharaj emphasized the importance…
Physical activity is one of the most powerful tools in promoting overall health and longevity.…
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A global scientific study has uncovered new genetic risk factors for depression, highlighting the importance…
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Neil Gaiman has denied multiple allegations of sexual misconduct following a New York Magazine article,…