On Sunday, former BJP state president Dr Satish Poonia was on a one-day tour of Ajmer. During this visit, he expressed grief over the demise of the mother of Masuda MLA Veerendra Singh Kanawat and paid tribute. He also visited the residence of Jaipur district president Rama Chaupada and extended condolences to the relatives on the demise of his grandmother-in-law, Saas Narayani Devi.
Meanwhile, in the past few days, Satish Poonia was on a tour of Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. Where he met with expatriate Rajasthanis and enlightened members of various communities in Bengaluru and Madurai, along with members of the Granite-Marble Association.
He called for joining hands with the BJP government to build a developed Rajasthan and invited everyone to come together in the resolution to make Narendra Modi the Prime Minister for the third consecutive term in 2024.
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