On February 13, 2024, Satish Poonia, the former State President of BJP, was welcomed and felicitated by farmers and youth in Kotputli and Kathumar of Alwar district. The occasion was the birth anniversary celebration of the invincible warrior Maharaja Surajmal, where Poonia was greeted with a shower of flowers by the locals.

During his speech, Poonia emphasised the significant role played by the farming community in society. He acknowledged their contribution to food storage, their strength in protecting the country’s borders, and their democratic values that hold the threads of unity in society.

Poonia also highlighted the changing perception in Jat society, where farmers are now recognised for their roles in safeguarding the nation’s borders and ensuring food security, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Poonia acknowledged the farmers’ essential role in maintaining the country’s democratic fabric and fulfilling their responsibilities towards “loktantra” (democracy).

He reminded the audience of the famous slogan “Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan” by former Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri, acknowledging the farmers as the backbone of the nation who never let anyone sleep hungry.

Poonia was present at the unveiling ceremony of Maharaja Surajmal’s statue in Kathumar, Alwar, where he praised the people’s demand to give Maharaja Surajmal a place in textbooks. He emphasised that recognising Maharaja Surajmal’s contribution to history, culture, and heritage is essential for the entire society, not just one community.

Poonia concluded by stating that Loktantra (democracy) is strongly connected to the principles of hard work, generosity, and harmony, and it is the responsibility of the people to uphold and secure democracy.