Television actor Manish Raisinghan is all set to get married to his lady love and fellow actress, Sangeita Chauhan, on 30 June 2020 at a gurdwara in Andheri, Mumbai. Due to the Covid-19 restrictions, the wedding will be a lowkey affair with just five people in attendance. As the star couple doesn’t want their families to travel during pandemic, it won’t be a big wedding affair. But, they will throw a reception party when the pandemic is over.
Manish and Sangeita first met on the sets of Ek Shringaar: Swabhiman, where they reportedly fell in love.
Confirming the news, the Sasural Simar Ka actor told an entertainment portal that it was an impromptu decision for the couple to get married. “It may surprise you but the decision of getting married was taken in a day’s time. Once, at the breakfast table, I told my father I am planning to take a day off, and in a quirky way he said, ‘off le raha hai to shaadi bhi karle’. It was a joke but it hit my mind. I instantly called Sangieta and said let’s get married,” said the actor.
He further added that their parents won’t be attending the wedding, and only five people will be present physically whereas rest will be available on a Zoom call.
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