The gorgeous ‘Atrangi Re’ actress Sara Ali Khan is a style diva. Her fashion game is always on point. Her fans and Instagram followers eagerly await her next fashion statement. Her latest Instagram pictures in the House of Eda co-ordinated set are proof of her impeccable sense of style. Sara took to her official Instagram handle and shared a couple of pictures. Along with the pictures, she wrote, “Amchi Mumbai ki Savari. BEST bus red like a cherry. Good to be home, feeling merry. Now taking my ride to Parsi dairy.”
In the pictures, Sara can be seen wearing a matching neon crochet crop top and skirt. Her outfit is a perfect inspiration for a summer date or brunch look.
She opted for minimal accessories. The actress’s outfit is from the fashion label House of Eda, and her look was styled by the renowned celebrity fashion stylist, Ami Patel.
Take a look at Sara Ali Khan’s Instagram post
Reacting to her post, one of the fans wrote, “My sunshine.” Another wrote, “You look strong and confident.” A third fan wrote, “Looking so pretty Sara.” Many dropped heart and fire emojis on her post.
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