On Wednesday, Bollywood actors Sara Ali Khan and Vicky Kaushal were seen attending an event in the city. Post the event, the actress was seen taking an auto while heading back home.
For the event, the actress wore a neon pink traditional outfit. In the viral video, she is seen entering an auto since her car didn’t come on time. Sara is heard saying, “Arey gaadi nahi aayi.” When the photographer asked her, “Kaisa laga Mumbai ki rickshaw ka safar?” Before heading home, Sara replied, “Main Mumbai ke rickshaw ka safar kar chuki hu bahut baar. Aaj meri gaadi nahi aayi time pe.”
Check out the viral video below
Meanwhile, Sara Ali Khan and Vicky Kaushal’s film is helmed by Laxman Utekar. The film will hit theatres on June 2. Apart from this, the actress has an interesting lineup of films. Sara will be seen in Homi Adajania’s Murder Mubarak and Ae Watan Mera Watan in her kitty.
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