Bollywood actor Salman Khan on Sunday took the internet by surprise with his new bald look. Amid all this, his old tweet about wanting to go bald has emerged on Reddit. In July 2011, the actor had tweeted, “Thinking mein bhi takla ho ja oooooon.” Social media users are re-sharing his old post on social media platforms.
Meanwhile, on the work front, he will be next seen in his much-awaited action thriller film ‘Tiger 3’.‘
Tiger 3’, the third part of the Tiger franchise, is being directed by Maneesh Sharma. The film will release in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu this Diwali. The upcoming actioner stars Emraan Hashmi as the antagonist. Katrina is also a part of the film.
Reportedly, Shah Rukh Khan has a cameo in the film. The official announcement is awaited.
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