Singer Arijit Singh and superstar Salman Khan have finally collaborated. Yes, you read it right. Arijit has lent his voice to the superstar for a song titled ‘Leke Prabhu Ka Naam’ in ‘Tiger 3’. Sharing the update, Salman took to Instagram and wrote, “Pehle gaane ki pehli jhalak. #LekePrabhuKaNaam! Oh haan, yeh hai Arijit Singh ka pehla gaana mere liye. Song out on 23rd Oct. #Tiger3 coming to theatres this Diwali, 12th Nov.” The news of Salman and Arijit’s collaboration has left fans extremely excited as it confirmed that the duo has ended their feud. The relationship between Salman and Arijit reportedly turned sour after the two got into a fight during an award function in 2014. Reacting to Salman’s post, a social media user wrote, “Wow Super Excited For My 2 FavS @beingsalmankhan Sir and @arijitsingh Sir [?][?] Yoooooo.”
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