MUMBAI: Actor Saif Ali Khan has apologised after getting trolled for his humane Ravan statement. He says Lord Ram has always been the symbol of righteousness and heroism for him. In a recent interview, the actor said that his upcoming film Adipurush was going to show the “humane” side of Ravan. This didn’t go down too well with people, including BJP leader Ram Kadam, who tweeted on Sunday: “Actor #SaifAliKhan makes an extremely shocking statement regarding his forthcoming film Adipurush. Saif who plays Ravan’s character says Ravan’s abduction of Sita Maa will be justified in the film. Ravan’s humane side will be shown and his war against Sri Ram will be justified.” Sharing clarification regarding his statement on his Adipurush character of Ravan, Saif said on Sunday: “I’ve been made aware that one of my statements during an interview, has caused a controversy and hurt people’s sentiments. This was never my intention or meant that way. I would like to sincerely apologise to everybody and withdraw my statement.” “Lord Ram has always been the symbol of Righteousness & Heroism for me. Adipurush is about celebrating the victory of good over evil and the entire team is working together to present the epic without any distortions.” The Om Raut directorial Adipurush also stars Telugu superstar Prabhas.
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