CHANDIGARH: The Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) on Monday submitted a complaint to the Chandigarh Police demanding a case be registered against Dera Sacha Sauda supporter Veerpal Kaur. SAD president Sukhbir Singh Badal led the party delegation including MP Balwinder Singh Bhunder, ex-MP Prof Prem Singh Chandumajra and party spokesperson Daljit Singh Cheema and met SSP Chandigarh Nilambari Jagdale. Submitting the complaint thay demanded that Veerpal Kaur should be booked for hurting the sentiments of the Sikh community. The complaint said on 14 July Veerpal made derogatory and malicious allegations aimed at tarnishing Sukhbir Singh Badal’s personal, political, public and social reputation. It said subsequently the allegations were repeated on 15 July. The complaint said a legal notice was sent to Veerpal Kaur following which she admitted that she had never met the SAD president and that she regretted making allegations against him.
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