Bollywood actor Hrithik Roshan’s niece Suranika celebrated her birthday with her family. The actor’s girlfriend Saba Azad also joined the celebration with Pinkie Roshan, Pashmina and Sunaina Roshan. Saba took to her official Instagram handle to pen a lovely wish for Suranika and dropped adorable pictures from the party. In the caption of her Instagram post, she wrote, “Last night at our suru bean’s birthday celebrations!! Happy bornday you sweetest bravest most talented human you @suranika live forever pls thanks Also it’s true, girls make the world go round!! These two in particular.” Birthday girl looks cute in a beige and white co-ord set, while Saba Azad wore a red top with beige pants and white sneakers. On the other hand, Pashmina is seen in a baby pink dress.
Take a look at Saba Azad’s Instagram post
Pashmina also took to her Instagram story to share a group picture which also features Hrithik Roshan.
Check out the viral picture below
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