Bollywood actress Parineeti Chopra was spotted arriving at Mumbai airport on Wednesday night. She was coming back from Delhi, where she had gone to meet her rumoured boyfriend-Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader Raghav Chadha. She opted for a long red sweater and black leather pants for the airport look. Parineeti teamed up her outfit with black boots. A report in Viral Bhayani revealed that they are likely to get engaged in Delhi on April 10.
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The actress seemingly confirmed her romance with the AAP leader with her recent cute Instagram gesture. Parineeti was quick to like the video shared by Raghav recently. What grabbed our attention was the cheesy comments from their fans. One of the fans wrote, “Raghav + Parineeti= Ragneeti.” Another wrote, “When are you announcing the wedding date?” Earlier, Raghav Chadha reacted to his relationship with Parineeti. He responded with a smile, “AAP MUJHSE RAAJNEETI KA SAWAAL KARIYE, PARINEETI KE SAWAAL NA KARIYE.” When he was asked about his marriage plans, he said, “JAB KARENGE TAB AAPKO BATAYENGE.”
Meanwhile, on the professional front, the actress will be next seen in Imtiaz Ali’s Chamkila with Punjabi singer Diljit Dosanjh. The duo recently wrapped the film in Punjab.
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