In Delhi’s Bakkarwala neighbourhood, apartments and police protection would be made available to Rohingya refugees. The minister of home affairs held a high-level meeting where the decision was made. Union minister Hardeep Singh Puri praised the choice and predicted that those who made a profession of “spreading canards on India’s refugee policy deliberately linking it to CAA will be disappointed.”
The minister stated, “India has always welcomed those who have sought refuge in the country. In a landmark decision all Rohingya Refugees will be shifted to EWS flats in Bakkarwala area of Delhi. They will be provided basic amenities, UNHCR IDs & round-the-clock Delhi Police protection.”
Taking to Twitter he said, “India respects & follows @UN Refugee Convention 1951 & provides refuge to all, regardless of their race, religion or creed.”
All 1,100 Rohingyas would reportedly be housed in a total of 250 units that are part of the EWS (Economically Weaker Section). They are currently living in the Madanpur Khadar camp.
The social welfare department of the Delhi government has been ordered to ensure that basic amenities like a fan, three times meals, a landline phone, television, and recreational facilities, among others, are provided while the Delhi Police has been asked to provide security, according to the report. According to the report, the Delhi government previously used these apartments for the Covid camp.
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