Rashtriya Lok Dal chief Jayant Chaudhary on Thursday said that RLD will fight the Uttar Pradesh assembly polls with Samajwadi Party (SP). “We have an understanding between us, we will fight the upcoming Assembly elections together,” Chaudhary told ANI here. Samajwadi Party has formed an alliance with RLD and several smaller parties in the state for the assembly polls early next year.
Chaudhary said his party has always given the priority to the farmers. Chaudhary paid floral tributes to his grandfather and former Prime Minister Chaudhary Charan Singh at his samadhi on his birth anniversary.
Speaking on the allegations of land purchase by officials in Ayodhya, Chaudhary said that the “government takes decisions in closed rooms, which do not concern the public”. “Those officers, who have all the information in their hands, buy and distribute land there. This is the biggest corruption,” he said. Uttar Pradesh is slated to go to polls early next year.
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