A 65-year-old retired Army officer from Wagholi was allegedly defrauded of Rs 3.74 lakh in a sextortion case, as reported by the police on Saturday. The FIR was filed at the Lonikand police station based on the complaint. In August, the victim received a video call on his WhatsApp, displaying a woman undressing. The fraudster recorded the incident and threatened to share the video on social media unless money was paid. The victim transferred Rs 3.74 lakh to various bank accounts as instructed by the fraudsters between August 11 and August 17. The Cyber police station forwarded the case to the Lonikand police station for further investigation. The retired Army officer is cooperating with the ongoing probe. The unidentified online fraudsters face charges under IPC sections 419 and 420, along with relevant sections of the Information Technology (IT) Act.
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