Prime Minister Narendra Modi commenced the Republic Day 2024 celebrations with a poignant tribute at the National War Memorial in Delhi on Friday. Welcomed by Defence Minister Rajnath Singh, PM Modi laid a wreath as Major Indrajeet Sachin from the 6th Battalion of Sikh Regiment commanded the guards. The ceremony included ‘Salami Shastra’ and ‘Shok Shastra’ by Inter-Services Guards, accompanied by buglers playing the ‘Last Post.’ A two-minute silence paid homage to the sacrifices of armed personnel, followed by buglers playing ‘Rouse’ and the guards presenting ‘Salami Shastra’ again. PM Modi recorded his remarks in the digital Visitor’s Book before joining the three service chiefs and proceeding to Kartavya Path for the Republic Day parade. President Droupadi Murmu will lead the national flag unfurling, followed by the national anthem and a 21-gun salute, signaling the commencement of the parade.
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