Reliance Jio has detailed its 5G plans which will be supported by Qualcomm, the company’s president revealed while speaking at the Qualcomm 5G Summit. Jio, which started its public rollout in 2016 as the first 4G-only network in India, offering voice and data over the same LTE connection, has now moved into 5G, and it’s expected to launch a valuefor-money 5G smartphone that could help bring about Mukesh Ambani’s goal of a 2G-muktBharat (2G free India).
Vanuatu, known for its 24.7-hour work week, holds elections tomorrow following a devastating earthquake. Recovery…
Talks for a Gaza ceasefire deal continue with Israel and Hamas, but Hamas' lack of…
After a prolonged wait, Congress finally inaugurated its long-awaited permanent headquarters on Wednesday, a significant…
Expressing concerns over the deteriorating health of farmer leader Jagjit Singh Dallewal, who has been…
Nearly 50,000 international students are missing from Canadian colleges and universities, with Indian nationals making…
Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge on Wednesday slammed Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh chief Mohan Bhagwat's 'true Independence' remark, warning him…