Xiaomi subsidiary Mi on Wednesday launched two new audio products SonicBass Wireless Earphones and Redmi Earbuds 2C in the Indian market. Redmi SonicBass Wireless Earphones are available in black and blue colours for an introductory price of Rs 999 starting 7 October. Post the introductory offer, the device will be available for Rs 1,299. Redmi Earbuds 2C has been made available for an introductory price of Rs 1,299 starting 7 October and post the introductory offer, they will be available for Rs 1,499. Redmi SonicBass Wireless Earphones is an in-ear neckband styled audio device. It houses on-board volume controls and a multifunction button for ease of access to various multimedia controls and comes with anti-wax silicone ear tips with magnetic earbuds. The earphones feature dual mics coupled with ENC (Environmental Noise Cancellation). Meanwhile, Redmi Earbuds 2C features silicone tips that allow passive noise isolation. It features improved ENC (environmental noise cancellation) that allows crystal clear call quality with its built-in microphones.
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