NEW DELHI: Realme on Wednesday launched Realme Watch S and Realme Watch S Pro smartwatches in India at a starting price of Rs 4,999. Realme Watch S comes with a 1.3-inch auto-brightness touchscreen with 360 x 360 resolution, 278 PPI and Corning Gorilla Glass 3 protection. The smartwatch PPG sensor for real-time heart-rate monitoring and a SpO2 sensor for blood oxygen level monitoring. It supports Bluetooth 5.0 to connect to Android 5.0+ devices with Realme Link app. The smartwatch is equipped with 16 sports modes including Outdoor Run, Walk, Indoor Run, Outdoor Cycle, Aerobic Capacity, Strength Training, Football and more. Realme Watch S comes equipped with a 390mAh battery that is touted to deliver as many as 15 days of usage on a single charge. The Realme Watch S Pro features a 1.39-inch (454×454 pixels) circular AMOLED display with 326 PPI, 450 nits brightness, 100,000:1 contrast ratio, always-on display. Realme Watch S Pro supports up to 15 Sports modes including Swimming, Cricket, Yoga, Outdoor Run, Indoor Run, Outdoor Walk, Spinning, Indoor Walk, Outdoor Cycle and more.
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